Wednesday, January 14, 2015

3rd Thursday Women, Trans, and Queer Open Mic AND on Saturday, Really Really Free Market

-Thurs. Jan. 15th at 7:30pm, 3rd Thurs. Women, Trans, and Queer Open Mic
   Every 3rd Thursday of the month we reserve the stage for Women, Trans, and Queer folk though everyone is invited and encouraged to come enjoy the show. These Open Mics are always special! Donations directly benefit this community-supported space.

Bring your creativity and artistic inspiration. $3-7 at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Signups for performance at 7:30 fill up quickly, and it begins at 8pm.

***These evenings are what we, together, make of them.  Whether you are on the stage or not this is a space for us to be mutually supportive of each other, to share of ourselves in whatever way feels pertinent to you and for us to hold space for each other.  This is intended to be a safer space for women, trans, and queer folks to specifically to take the stage.  It one of the SubRosa collective's intentions to help create contexts for us to relate with each other that resonate with the ways we want to live our lives here and now and that are also in opposition to the dominant culture.***

-Sat. Jan 17th, 12-3pm, Really Really Free Market

    No money. No trades. Everything is free.

This market is based on a gift-economy and thinks capitalism sucks.  Let's share what we got and give freely. Bring food to share. Bring your special items that you don't use but can't throw away (ex. clothes, toys, art supplies, instruments, books and zines...your free box). Bring your special talents to offer people (ex. haircuts, message, reiki...). Come and take what you can use and say thanks! We will have folks to check in with as you arrive. First come first served, space may be limited. If you bring things, you are expected to take away whatever is left at the end of the market.

Also, as you may have noticed during the fall we pulled back on our open hours to focus on events.  Now this winter we are focusing on both of these aspects of SubRosa.  So, look for wonderful and engaging events in the upcoming weeks AND increased and consistent open hours.  We have also been bringing in new books and zines to the space for sale, so check those out as well (and speaking of checking out...we are always adding new books to the anarchist library as well, that are available for you to borrow at no cost).

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